DuringThe heating season, many people try various strategies to reduce drafts through central air conditioning system register, including coveringThem with tape, blankets, magnet covers, or sometimes cardboard. Even ifThe register has adjustable louvers, closing louvers rarely eliminates all airflow. This Central Air A-C DraftShields Cover is a much more effective means of sealing your air-conditioning system registers, keeping cold air from entering your home through your air conditioning ducts duringThe winter. It consists of a well-designed clear plastic cover with a closed cell foam gasket aroundThe edge to insure a tight seal, a lanyard, and a hook. The cover is made from recycled plastic. To install, attachThe hook toThe register and threadThe lanyard through a small hole inThe DraftShield cover. TightenThe lanyard andThe cover will remain securely in place. To remove, loosenThe lanyard and removeThe hook fromThe register. No permanent hardware is required, andThe DraftShield cover will be able to be re-used every heating season. This size is suitable for registers or vents of any dimension up to 12" square. For maximum benefit, one A-C DraftShield cover should be used on each air conditioner register inThe house.